
Book your stay
at the best rate

At Hotel Villa Bohème, booking directly on our website gives you access to the best rates available. Discover our exclusive offers, designed to enhance every moment of your stay, whether through early-bird or last-minute discounts, or through unique packages that guarantee unforgettable experiences. Treat yourself to a luxurious getaway in the heart of Paris, while enjoying the best value for money.

  • -15% by booking on our website
  • Free cancellation (no advance fees)
  • Exclusive offers (upgrades, promotional codes...)

Book more than 21 days before arrival
Save €10 per night

Book between 2 and 7 days before arrival
Save 10€ per night

Book a minimum of 3 nights:
Save €5 on each night

Our exclusive packages

Explore our packages specially designed to enrich every stay. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or a different way to discover Paris, our packages are sure to suit your every whim. Enjoy unique moments with tailor-made experiences, and make your stay a memorable one.

Treat yourself to a romantic getaway with our Romantique package, designed for unforgettable moments for two. Enjoy a 75cl bottle of champagne, ideal for celebrating love, and let yourself be enchanted by the atmosphere created by delicately scattered rose petals, adding a magical touch to your stay.

Our little attentions

You can also opt for our delicate attentions. At Hôtel Villa Bohème, we offer personalized attention to enrich every moment of your stay.

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